You only have 2 ports on a "super slim" ps3.if you don't sign your. There are releases for "c00/time trial ps3 games", just install the packages and you'll be fine, you probably don't need to "enable hen" to run them.only some function you need to keep "enabling hen" after your ps3 starts, like to use homebrew, to run games off a usb drive, or if you did not sign your. rap files in a "exdata" folder in a usbstick, then you still have to "enable hen" to play a game, for psn "pkg and. rap file from a signed package.if you just have your. You only need to keep enabling, "enable hen from icon", in order to play games if you did not install your. rap" psn file, because, HEN has han enabled at startup. You don't need to "enable hen from icon" each time you start the ps3, inorder to play installed backup packages or ".pkg and. pkg file, using "PS3xploit-resigner-3.0.0") rap" file, for psn game for ps3.you can just install the. ↳ Smartphones (Android, iStuff, tablets.I get the error "Invalid ELF file for EBOOT resigning!" everytime Samsara wrote:In case someone needs a tutorial to sign EBOOT.BIN files, here are the steps I use: Run the ISO and get that EBOOT.BIN and sign it. In the configurations for that emulator, in the crypto settings, set it to decrypt it in the tmp folder. Select File>File List>Import and select the text file you made earlier.(step 3) Then choose Yes.įollow any other guide to sign the ISO using sign_np.ĮDIT: For anyone having problems with signing EBOOT.BIN, try decrypting it using JPCSP. Right-click the EBOOT2.BIN and select Rename. Right-click on the UMDGEN window and choose Add>Existing File>select the EBOOT2.BINġ0. Write sign_np -elf EBOOT.BIN EBOOT2.BIN 2ĩ. Now you have no EBOOT.BIN in the UMDGEN window, but you have one in the folder.ħ.Shift-right-click anywhere in the folder with everything in and select "Open Command window here" or something.Ĩ. Delete the EBOOT.BIN, which is inside the UMDGEN window, by right-clicking it and select delete.Ħ. Go into PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/ and right-click the EBOOT.BIN and extract it to to the same folder as all the other files.ĥ.

Select File>File List>Export and name it whatever.

Make a folder, put the ISO, sign_np and UMDGEN here.Ģ.

In case someone needs a tutorial to sign EBOOT.BIN files, here are the steps I use:Ġ.